Stockholms Stad

Stockholm – vår huvudstad med miljoner drömmar, förväntningar och ambitioner. Vi jobbar för alla som lever här idag och i framtiden. Nu söker vi dig som vill tänka stort, nytt och annorlunda med oss – för stockholmarna.

MYP Science


Allmän information:

The International School of the Stockholm Region is a publically funded international school which exists primarily to serve the educational needs of the transient and/or international community of Stockholm. The school runs the International Baccalaureate’s curricula.  The Primary Years Program (PYP) is offered to students from 5-11 years of age, the Middle Years Program (MYP) is offered to students from 11-16 and the Diploma Program (DP) is available for students from 16-19 year of age.  The school’s language of instruction is English for all subjects. At ISSR, students can receive an internationally-recognized education in English from 5 to 19 years of age in one location in the center of Stockholm. The teachers at ISSR are qualified and experienced educators. Teachers and staff take part in the wide range of professional development resources and activities offered by the International Baccalaureate Organization (IB).

Job description:

ISSR needs an experienced teacher in Science to teach in the Middle Years Programme (MYP).

The position also includes acting as an advisor to approximately 15 students, participating in the ISSR school community and working actively to build a culture of learning through collaboration. There is an ongoing expectation to collaborate closely with students, teachers and parents to facilitate learning. DP/MYP teachers are part of a team with a high emphasis on collaborative planning and learning. All documentation and communication at ISSR is carried out in English.

Responsibilities include:

  • Planning high quality lessons and ongoing documentation of student achievement according to the IB standards.
  • Advisory responsibilities for approximately 15 students
  • Maintaining ongoing parent/school communication
  • Planning with colleagues across the school, both in and beyond the MYP
  • Continued professional development both independently and in group trainings
  • Participate in school activities (assemblies, evening events, conferences, etc.)





  • University degree in science and education
  • Qualified middle/high school science teacher
  • Fluency in written and spoken English to a professional level
  • Experience teaching in the middle school context


Other qualifications may include:  

  • MYP or IB training and/or experience
  • High competence with IT (Windows platform, Smart board and other tools for learning).
  • Strong interpersonal skills and proven ability to work effectively on a team.



-permanent position (tillsvidare)  

-Start date: August 7, 2019

Anställningsform Tillsvidareanställning
Anställningens omfattning Heltid
Tillträde 20200807
Löneform Månadslön
Antal lediga befattningar 1
Sysselsättningsgrad 100%
Ort Stockholm
Län Stockholms län
Land Sverige
Referensnummer 2020/1045
  • Christiane Candella, 0761293869
Facklig företrädare
  • Mikael Hansen-Goobar LR,
  • Madeleine Wennersten,
Publicerat 2020-03-06
Sista ansökningsdag 2020-03-20

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